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Analysis and design of a new broadband and efficient millimeter wave antenna array suitable for 60 GHz applications

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Content introduction
Chinese Abstract:
A millimeter wave antenna array with flexible design for 60 GHz applications is proposed. By simply changing the radiation part of the antenna array, the antenna array can be adjusted to linear polarization or circular polarization. By using low insertion loss feed network and broadband antenna unit, high gain, broadband and high radiation efficiency characteristics can be achieved. For the linear polarization antenna array, the simulation results show that the impedance bandwidth of 2 × 2 antenna sub array is 21.6%, the maximum gain is 15.1 DBI, and the fluctuation in the working bandwidth is less than 0.4 DBI. For 8 × 8-wire polarization antenna array, the simulation results show that the bandwidth is 21.6%, the gain is (26.1 ± 1) DBI, and the antenna efficiency is over 80%. For 8 × 8 circularly polarized antenna array, the simulation results show that the impedance bandwidth is 18.2% and the axial ratio (AR) bandwidth is 13.3%. The gain and efficiency are 27.6 DBI and 80% respectively. At the same time, the processing test of antenna array is carried out, and the results are compared and analyzed.
Key word:
60 GHz; antenna array; linear polarization; circular polarization; millimeter wave
Wu Kailai, Yao yuan, Cheng Xiaohe, Yu Junsheng, Yu Tao, Chen Xiaodong
Beijing Key Laboratory of work safety intelligent monitoring, School of electronic engineering, Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, Beijing, China, 100876; Department of electrical and electronic engineering, Tokyo University of technology, Tokyo, Japan, 152-8552; School of electronic engineering and computer science, Queen Mary College, University of London, London, UK, e14ns
Reference format:
Kai-lai Wu, Yuan Yao, Xiao-he Cheng, Jun-sheng Yu, Tao Yu, Xiao-dong Chen, 2020. Analysis and design of novel wideband and high efficiency millimeter-wave antenna arrays for 60-GHz applications. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 21(1):128-143. https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1900461
Yao yuan, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, director of radio frequency and electromagnetic compatibility research center. The main research fields are antenna technology, mobile communication technology, millimeter wave terahertz technology, etc. As the project leader, he presided over 23 scientific research projects, including the national high tech research and development plan (863) and the National Natural Science Foundation. He has published more than 200 academic papers, obtained 12 patents and published 3 monographs. In 2013, he was selected into the young talents program of Beijing University, and won the title of K. C. Wong Research Fellow of the Royal Society in 2016. At present, he is an expert member of antenna and RF Committee of China communication society, editorial board member of IEEE access and International Journal of antenna and propagation of SCI journal, and chair of Technical Committee of UK Europe China Workshop on Miller waves and terahertz technologies in 2016 International Conference. He has made special reports at many international conferences.
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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (fitee for short, Chinese Name: information and electronic engineering Frontier (English), ISSN 2095-9184, CN 33-1389 / TP) is a comprehensive English academic monthly of information electronics, included by SCI-E and EI, with the latest impact factor 1.033. Formerly known as "Journal of Zhejiang University, English edition, Part C: computer and Electronics" founded in 2010, it is now the only Journal of the information and Electronic Engineering Department of the Chinese Academy of engineering. It covers computer, information and communication, control, electronics, optics and other fields. Article types include research papers, reviews, personal perspectives, reviews, etc. The current chief editors are pan Yunhe and Lu Xicheng, academicians of the Chinese Academy of engineering. The international peer review system is implemented, and the first time to convey opinions is generally within 2-3 months. Once the article is hired, it will be online quickly.
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