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Notice of the second online reading sharing meeting of Zhixing League school

Hits: 3891760 2020-04-04

In order to promote the "non-stop classes" of Zhixing League school students during the epidemic, the Zhixing League School of China Agricultural University plans to carry out online reading sharing activities. In groups, each group selects a book in the recommended book list to read for one month. After reading, each group forms reading thoughts independently and shares them.
The second sharing meeting will be held at 19:00-21:30 p.m. on Monday, April 6 in the form of Tencent meeting, and will be broadcasted on the platform of bilibilibili with the help of the official account of the Youth League Committee of China Agricultural University. This sharing is completed by 10 groups. The following is the main content of this sharing.
The first one was group six. They brought White Deer Plain. This book is introduced to you from four parts: the author's introduction, the work's introduction, the analysis of the characters' images and the reading thoughts, with the focus on sharing some group members' understanding and perception of the characters in the book.
The second one is group 20. They bring the suspense novel murder of Oriental Express. In the tense process of solving the case, the relationship between law and emotion is discussed.
The third group is the fifth group, which brings the most famous work of Czech writer Milan Kundera, "unbearable lightness of life". Kundera combines the elements of the politicized social connotation, the investigation of human nature, the presentation of personal destiny in the specific historical and political context, and the exploration of the essence of the relationship between the sexes, which is worth reading carefully.
The fourth is the ordinary world brought by group 19. This book describes the modern urban and rural life of China in a panoramic way through complicated conflicts and vivid characters.
The fifth is "Norwegian forest" brought by group 18. This sharing mainly takes you into this masterpiece from the plot, background, feelings after reading and connotation philosophy.
The sixth is "Besieged City" brought by group 21. Mr. Qian Zhongshu depicts a vivid picture of the city and vividly reflects the taste of life.
The seventh is Kafka by the sea, which was brought by the ninth group. They had a deep thought on the theme of the novel, and shared their understanding of individual and destiny, life and growth in the strong contrast between fantasy and reality.
The eighth is "Walden Lake" brought by group 17. Thoreau provides people with a possibility of harmonious coexistence between man and nature through his own experience, calling people back to nature and conveying the concept of environment-friendly life.
The ninth is the biography of Mao Zedong brought by the first group. They will combine the objective truth of Marxism Leninism to explain how to correctly grasp the biography of Mao Zedong and its present value.
The last one came in the fourth group, which brought the Great Gatsby. It tells about the Great Gatsby and the symbol of the broken American dream created in the special era.
This is all the content of this online book sharing meeting. Let's look forward to the interesting sharing!
Edit Ji Xinge
Editor in charge: Wang Yuexuan, he mengke
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