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Diet that can reduce the incidence of cancer - Vegetarian

Hits: 3891877 2020-04-05

Vegetarian diet
The healthiest diet in the world
In our diet life, all kinds of microelements beneficial to human body are indispensable. No matter which element is missing, it means potential danger to the body! Nutrition is the material basis of human health and longevity. The quality and quantity of nutrition directly affect human health, disease resistance and life span. Long term do not eat animal protein will cause immune decline. Vegetarianism for a long time will make the human body lack of vitamin B12, calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, which will have many adverse effects on the human body.
1. The main nutrients of vegetarians are mainly high protein and vitamins, while fat and various oil substances will be less, which can fundamentally reduce the possibility of skin long fat particles and acne, so vegetarians are the most fundamental beauty products.
2. data show that people who eat vegetarian food and cancer incidence rate are significantly lower than other groups, especially those with rectal cancer and colon cancer. The detoxification function of vegetarians was significantly higher than that of other foods.
3. Vegetarians have less oily substances, which can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity. For example, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases are mainly caused by obesity, so vegetarians will live longer.
Do you know vegetarianism and cancer fighting?
There are three "mouths" in the word "cancer", which shows how closely the relationship between diet and cancer is. The World Cancer Research Foundation has made it clear that one third of the people who die from cancer every year are related to bad eating habits, and more than 30 kinds of cancer come from it.
Zhao Lin, researcher of PLA General Hospital and chief expert of health education of the Ministry of health, pointed out that there are two types of cancer that are most affected by dietary factors: one is cancer of digestive system, including esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer; the other is cancer related to hormone level, including breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. "It can be said that by keeping your mouth shut and eating well, you can prevent cancer simply and effectively, and reduce the risk of cancer by 40%."
A number of experts summed up three principles of diet cancer prevention
What to eat: "four more, three less" principle
"Balanced diet is the basis of cancer prevention diet." Xun Xiaolin, senior nutritionist of the General Hospital of the Beijing Military Region, said that although the living conditions are good, you can't eat what you want. At present, the reasonable diet structure advocated is "two highs and one low": high vitamin, high cellulose and low fat. Vitamins mainly come from fresh fruits and vegetables. Cellulose exists in fruits and vegetables and coarse grains. To control fat, you need to eat less or no red meat, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, etc.
On this basis, we should try our best to ensure a diversified diet. The simplest way is to count the colors. It is best to eat five to seven colors of food a day. The white food represented by cabbage and cauliflower has a good anti-cancer effect; pay attention to the combination of thick and thin, millet, corn, oats and so on to eat, 100g per day is appropriate.
There are more than one hundred common anti-cancer foods, which are mainly divided into four categories. "Eating more anti-cancer food can add to the picture." Ma Guansheng, deputy director of the Institute of nutrition and food safety, China Center for Disease Control and prevention, told reporters.
Fresh fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamin C, flavonoids and other active ingredients contained in it have anticancer effect. Yang Binghui, a famous health education expert and chief physician of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, praised the cancer prevention effect of fruits and vegetables: "the daily vegetable intake per person increased from 50g to 300g, and the risk of gastric cancer can be reduced by 50%." Asparagus, cabbage, tomato, sweet potato, konjac, kiwi fruit, radish and carrot are all good anti-cancer foods.
Bean Products. Tofu and soy milk are rich in soy isoflavones. Regular consumption of soy products can reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.
Fungi. About 96% of bacteria have anti-cancer effect, such as mushrooms, mushrooms, Flammulina velutipes, agaric and other polysaccharide rich substances, which can enhance human immunity and prevent gastric cancer and lung cancer. At present, lentinan has been used as an anticancer drug in the treatment of cancer patients.
Green Tea. Green tea is rich in tea polyphenols, which can be combined with carcinogens to decompose and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. To develop the habit of drinking 2-3 cups of green tea every day can prevent gastric cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer, but it must be noted that the tea is not too thick.
How to cook: "three minus" principle
After understanding the principle of choosing food materials, it is also important to learn how to cook scientifically. Xun Xiaolin pointed out that even good food, after unreasonable cooking, can produce many chemical carcinogens, so it is best to master the principle of "three reduction".
1. Reduce agricultural residues. Chemical fertilizer and pesticide residues are closely related to cancer. In addition to urging relevant departments to strengthen supervision, in daily life, people can also take some measures to reduce the harm of agricultural residues. Jiang microbo, a professor at the school of food science and nutrition engineering, China Agricultural University, suggested that cucumbers, green peppers, carrots and balsam pear can be soaked in warm water for 1-2 minutes and then washed with a brush; cabbage and cabbage can remove the outer leaves and wash the inner leaves with running water one by one; winter melons and other non perishable vegetables can be decomposed by sunlight.
2. Reduce frying. Xun Xiaolin said that in the process of frying, if you don't pay attention to it a little bit and the oil temperature is too high, a large number of carcinogens such as benzopyrene and acrylamide will be produced. Among the repeatedly fried oils, there are more carcinogens. Research shows that people who often eat fried food are more likely to suffer from lung cancer, colorectal cancer and so on. In addition, barbecue, pickling and other cooking methods can form many carcinogens. In contrast, steaming, boiling and stewing are more healthy and low carbon. If you can't help the temptation of barbecue, you can eat a kiwi after dinner to reduce the damage.
3. salt reduction. Salt is also related to cancer. The incidence rate of gastric cancer is high, according to Shi Hanping, director of general surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University. Japan and China are following closely, and the incidence rate of gastric cancer is not low. Therefore, the best diet is light. In addition to the best salt per person per day is not more than 5g, we should also pay attention to the existence of "hidden salt" when cooking. MSG, soy sauce, soy sauce and seasoning bag also contain salt.
How to eat: "slow" principle
If you want to prevent cancer, you need to follow the principle of "slow". Experts point out that eating slowly has three benefits for cancer prevention.
1. Chew slowly to reduce carcinogens. Professor Yang Li of China Academy of Chinese medicine said that human saliva contained peroxidase, catalase and vitamin C, which not only had antioxidant effects, but also could break down entrance carcinogens and effectively reduce the incidence rate of cancer. US research has confirmed that when strong carcinogens such as nitrous compounds and aflatoxin encounter saliva, the cell variability will be completely lost within 30 seconds. From this point of view, the meal should not be too fast, chewing slowly will help saliva to play an anti-cancer effect, and it is best to chew 30 times of food before swallowing.
2. Put an end to high temperature to prevent esophageal cancer. Xun Xiaolin pointed out that people who eat too fast and too fast are easy to eat too hot. Over time, the stimulation of high-temperature diet will cause frequent damage to oral mucosa, esophagus and gastric mucosa, and even ulceration and bleeding, which will lead to cancer. Data shows that 90% of esophageal cancer patients usually like hot food and drink. Therefore, eat slowly, wait for the food to cool, it's better to eat at about 40 ℃.
3. Diet control can also prevent cancer. "Only when you eat slowly can you feel the fading of hunger and the growing fullness in your stomach. Then you can put down your chopsticks in time to ensure that you are seven points full." Fan Zhihong, an associate professor at the school of food science and nutrition engineering, China Agricultural University, said that if you see a delicious food, it is easy to eat too much, which brings huge digestive pressure to the gastrointestinal tract. Japanese research shows that always eating too much will reduce the ability to inhibit the activity of cancer factors and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, the principle of "slow" is of great benefit to cancer prevention.

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