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The May 4th spirit is inherited by me. In 2020, the youth model group of China Agricultural University: the youth team of food nutrition and safety science popularization

Hits: 3897130 2020-05-04

"May 4th Youth pacesetter" and "May 4th Youth pacesetter collective" of China Agricultural University are the highest honors awarded to excellent youth by the University. In 2020, the school's selection working group adheres to the principle of selecting the best among the best, and finally produces 9 "May 4th Youth pacesetters" and 10 "May 4th Youth pacesetters collective" through personal recommendation, qualification review, preliminary evaluation review, re evaluation review, final evaluation defense and other links. The school will publicize and promote the outstanding deeds through the media platform to show the spiritual character and value pursuit of the youth in the new era, encourage the youth of the school not to forget their original mind, remember their mission and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th movement.
May 4th Youth pacesetter group:
Youth team of food nutrition and safety science popularization
01 group profile
There are 25 members in the youth team of food nutrition and safety science popularization, including 20 teachers, 5 students and 56% party members. Among the teachers, there are 1 Professor, 13 associate professors, 6 lecturers and 10 high-level talents introduced from the school. For many years, the team has always taken the popularization of food nutrition and safety science as its own task, adhered to the working concept of "Mingde, promoting learning, and being close to the people", and contributed to the popularization of scientific knowledge, the promotion of scientific spirit, the dissemination of scientific ideas, and the promotion of scientific quality of the whole people.
02 main stories
Promote the development of morality and talents with the popularization of science, and make the team construction warm
The scientific popularization activities of the team can be traced back to the establishment and improvement of the food safety supervision system taking the melamine milk powder incident as an opportunity in 2004. The food safety researchers represented by Professor Luo Yunbo (the winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund) and Professor Chen Fang (the winner of National Excellent Youth Fund) have done a lot of work in the draft of food safety law, the establishment of melamine detection method, the popularization of food safety knowledge, and set a good example for the young teachers and students of the college. With the normalization of food safety supervision, consumers' focus on food safety has gradually shifted to the focus on food nutrition. Young teachers, represented by fan Zhihong and Che Huilian, have been devoted to the science popularization of food nutrition all the year round and have established a good reputation among the public.
Under the new normal of education in the new era, the team thought deeply about the fundamental problem of "what kind of person to cultivate, how to cultivate and for whom to cultivate", combined with the school's URP and national innovation and other projects, trained a number of excellent students with the trinity of "scientific spirit, scientific knowledge and scientific practice", so that they became a member of the team and realized the goal of "new and old help" It has been passed down from generation to generation, and the red gene, which is realistic, pragmatic and brave to take on responsibilities, has been integrated into every member's blood. Since 2016, one of the team members has won the excellent graduation thesis of Beijing city for their undergraduate graduation project, one has won the first prize in the National Undergraduate food engineering virtual simulation competition, two have won the national scholarship, one has won the president's scholarship, two have won the first prize for learning excellence, one has won the second prize for learning excellence, and one has won the first prize for learning excellence First class scholarship for social work excellence, 1 person won second class scholarship for social work excellence. During the epidemic, the team released more than 30 pieces of nutritional safety science popularization knowledge on multiple network platforms such as "today's headlines" and "Tencent News" to actively solve the public's doubts. In addition, the teachers and students of the team also actively participated in the volunteer service of epidemic prevention and control in various regions, shouldering the first pass of epidemic prevention and control with the youth's unique vigor, responsibility and responsibility. With the help of the old and the new, the red gene has been passed down from generation to generation, and has been integrated into every member's blood like a spring breeze.
Promote scientific research and study with the popularization of science and make the team work in depth
The most important thing for the popularization of science is to ensure the correctness of the scientific knowledge disseminated, and not to make the objects to be disseminated have objections or misunderstandings. Therefore, the teachers and students of the team, in combination with their own work, constantly consolidate the basic knowledge, strengthen and update the knowledge reserve, and at the same time of popular science popularization, they have completed the scientific research and learning tasks excellently. At present, the team has 1 chief scientist of national key R & D program, 2 moderators of national key R & D program; 6 people have obtained general program or youth fund support from National Natural Science Foundation; in recent three years, the team has published 45 high-level SCI articles (one of which is published in PNAS with Agricultural University of China as the first author unit and the first communication unit), and won the National Award 4 patents.
In order to fulfill the requirements of "guiding students to improve their ability and enrich themselves after the extended holidays" organized by the superior, the team teachers and students specially set up a "food all tonic" academic live broadcast activity on the platform of bilibilibili during the epidemic, which brought academic feast involving literature study, experimental design, data analysis and other aspects to the students through online live broadcast, covering the food camp Many fields, such as nutrition, food processing, food safety, etc. The live broadcast of teachers and students took only five days from planning to the first live broadcast. From February 11 to February 29, 10 live broadcasts were carried out, with a total popularity of 40000. While alleviating the anxiety of home-based students, students were guided to improve their knowledge structure and scientific research skills, and good results were achieved.
Enlighten people's wisdom with scientific popularization and make team service more powerful
The youth science popularization team of food nutrition and safety uses the professional director, gives full play to the advantages of young pioneers, adheres to the practical work, and serves the country, the local and the people for a long time.
The team currently has 2 members as members of the Youth Committee of the China Food Science and Technology Association, and 1 members are appointed ambassadors for Tencent food safety rumor. They regularly publicize popular issues on food safety through relevant channels such as WeChat official account. In 2019, relying on the "food safety and nutrition China Tour" activity, more than 10 on-site consultation and Q & A activities on food culture lectures, food nutrition and safety hot issues were held to let people of different ages and social backgrounds understand food nutrition and safety knowledge, enhance the appeal and attraction of science popularization work, and truly solve the reality for community residents Question.
Since 2018, the teachers and students of the team have also undertaken the common sense co construction course of the Affiliated High School of Agricultural University, giving lectures for the middle school students on popular science food nutrition and safety knowledge four times a week for a total of 20 times. Through the simple explanation, it improves the students' ability of identification, guides them to establish the correct concept of diet and food safety, helps them to buckle up their life, and enables them to become the "seed" of future food safety rumor refutation.
To sum up, the youth team of food nutrition and safety science popularization adheres to the responsibility and responsibility of contemporary youth, develops in inheritance, serves in development, proves the power of youth with practical actions, and makes youth bloom in the place where the party and the people most need.
Picture and text youth team of food nutrition and safety science popularization
Editor Tao Ziyi
Editor in charge: Hao Ze, Wang Yuexuan, LV Yuxuan
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