Phenylsilsesquioxanes hydrogen-terminated IOTA 233
CAS: 68952-30-7
Phenylsilsesquioxanes, hydrogen-terminated is one kind of T type polyphenylsiloxane, terminated by hydride, the molecular weight range 550~3000, miscibility with dimethyl siloxane, liquid silicone rubber, phenyl silicone rubber and phenyl resin. It's used as crosslinker of liquid silicone rubber, phenyl silicone rubber and phenyl resin.
Appearance: Colorless and clear liquid
Specific gravity: 1.00-1.01
Refractive index, 20℃: 1.46-1.52
Viscosity, 25℃mm2/s: 5~5000
Flash point, ℃: > 110
Content (H%): 0.35-0.75
Storage and Package:
Packaged with 15kg, 200kg coating metal drum, store in a cool ventilated place.