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"Gengyun lecture" No. 8, decrypting the relationship between ruminants and global warming!

Hits: 3895842 2020-04-27

Column introduction
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"Gengyun lecture hall" is a series of famous teachers' online academic lectures carefully produced by Graduate School of China Agricultural University. It aims to spread scientific knowledge, promote scientific spirit, and provide high-end and rich "academic feast" for teachers and students
This week's "Gengyun lecture" is a special topic of "people and animals". Let's learn to protect animals and promote the harmonious development of people and nature
Brief introduction of this issue
We consume a lot of beef, mutton and milk in our daily life, which are the products of these ruminants. But do you know that the metabolites of cattle and sheep can cause global warming? How should the methane emission from animal husbandry be controlled? In this lecture, Professor Zhao Guangyong of the Academy of animal science and technology of China Agricultural University will explain the principle of ruminant digestion to produce greenhouse gases in detail, and look forward to the effective methods of feeding management and scientific "emission reduction".
About famous teachers
Zhao Guangyong, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of animal science and technology, China Agricultural University. Engaged in the teaching and research of ruminant nutrition. At present, he is the vice president of the cattle raising branch of the Chinese society of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, the executive director of the animal nutrition branch of the Chinese society of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, the deputy editor in chief of the Journal of animal nutrition, the member of the editorial board of archives of animal nutrition in Germany, and the member of the editorial board of Agricultural Science in China. In recent years, he has presided over a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects and national science and Technology Support Program projects, and published more than 60 papers in academic journals at home and abroad. Edited and participated in the compilation of 8 academic works, including the compilation of "cattle raising technology" textbook for the Central Radio and Television University, and lectured on the course.
You can also watch it on the following platforms
Lecture videos of ultraclean and Blu ray
CCTV video
Video center of China Agricultural University
Contributed by Wu Xiaomeng, Meng Xiangci, Hou Jun, Yingshi, Xiaohui, Hou Jiamin
Edit Bian Mengyu
Website of Graduate School of China Agricultural University:
Contact: caigs@cau.edu.cn

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